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3 Reasons Why Long-Term Care for Elderly With Alzheimer’s Is Important

caregiver attending to older man aware of the 3 reasons why long-term care for elderly with Alzheimer's is important

Caring for an elderly loved one with Alzheimer’s can be a daunting task. Not only is it physically and emotionally draining, but there are also important decisions to make when it comes to providing the best possible care. One of these decisions is whether or not long-term care should be sought out for your loved one. Long-term care for older adults with Alzheimer’s can provide them with specialized medical attention for their unique needs as well as emotional support from trained professionals.

At Buckner Calder Woods, our team of professional caregivers understands the importance of emotional support and evidence-based treatments during difficult times. This is why we offer personalized long-term care services that involve meaningful activities, compassionate attention, and customized treatments. In addition, our facility’s highly trained staff are experienced in providing compassionate end-of-life care for individuals nearing their final stages of life. For more information, reach out to our team of experts today at 409.407.7636 or online.

When Should Someone With Alzheimer’s Go Into Care?

Long-term care for Alzheimer’s patients is a sensitive but necessary decision that may ensure improved safety and well-being in the care of professionals. While any family member or friend may be capable of providing basic care, there are many signs that indicate when it’s necessary to transition into professional long-term care.

The most common warning sign is when the individual suffering from Alzheimer’s begins to forget how to take care of themselves and perform everyday tasks, such as bathing, dressing, eating, and using the restroom. Other signs that require professional assistance include the following:

  • Disorientation in familiar places
  • Severe confusion and agitation
  • Difficulty sleeping or difficulty caring for themselves
  • Paranoia
  • Dangerous or harmful behaviors
  • Lack of control of health and well-being

As Alzheimer’s progresses, symptoms can become more severe. These symptoms may include paranoia and aggressive behavior that may pose a danger to the family, caregivers, and the individual themselves. This is why it is important to consider the safety of both the individual and those around them when determining if long-term care should be sought out.

Long-term care facilities are designed specifically with Alzheimer’s patients in mind. These facilities offer activities throughout the day, supervision, and social interaction among peers, which can help improve their overall quality of life. Additionally, families who rely on informal caregivers may find that transitioning into a long-term facility allows them to better focus on their loved one’s critical healthcare needs rather than solely providing casual support with daily tasks.

3 Reasons Why Long-Term Care Is Important

Committing to long-term care for elderly individuals with Alzheimer’s is an important decision that needs to be carefully considered, as it may be able to help them lead a more positive and comfortable life. Here are three reasons why long-term care is essential for those with Alzheimer’s:

1. Access to Personally-Tailored Care

Long-term Alzheimer’s care provides tailored care that meets the specific needs of each individual with Alzheimer’s. This includes 24-hour supervision, assistance with daily tasks such as bathing and dressing, medication management, evidence-based treatments, and nutrition planning. Caregivers also provide emotional support to help reduce depression and anxiety associated with living with Alzheimer’s.

2. Social Interaction

People in long-term care facilities have more opportunities than those living at home to interact with peers who may be going through the same experiences, providing emotional support and companionship. Furthermore, these facilities often provide activities such as group therapy sessions, art classes, or music therapy that can help stimulate cognitive function while providing emotional comfort to those affected by Alzheimer’s.

3. Safety

Being in a long-term care facility provides a safe and secure environment for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Patients are monitored constantly by trained staff members who are prepared to act quickly in case of any medical or safety issues that may arise. This helps reduce the risk of accidents or falls, which can become increasingly common as the disease progresses. In addition, these facilities offer access to necessary specialists, such as memory loss consultants and occupational therapists, who can provide further assistance if needed.

Improving Quality Of Life With Long-term Alzheimer’s Care at Buckner Calder Woods

When considering long-term care for elderly individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, it is essential to remember that everyone involved has different needs. It is crucial to have patience and understanding as you navigate this process with your loved one to ensure that all medical and emotional needs are met in a safe and comfortable environment. At Buckner Calder Woods, our long-term care programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of Alzheimer’s patients who may require more intensive care than family members can provide. To learn more about our long-term care program, find us online or reach out to our team of experts today at 409.407.7636.